
Anopoploma fimbria

USA / Canada

Wild caught

The Black Cod's rich yet fairly mild flavour and distinctive taste traces back to its high fat content. In fact, that also accounts for its soft, velvety texture. An excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acid, the Black Cod features noticeably large white flakes.

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Nutrition Fact (Serving per 100 gms)
Calories 195
Fat Calories 138
Total Fat 15.3 g
Saturated Fat 3.2 g
Cholesterol 49 mg
Sodium 56 mg
Protein 13.4 g
Omega 3 1.6 g
Form Grade Packing
Raw IQF, Skin On J Cut (H & G) 2 lb to 7 lb+ 1 x 50 lb
Raw IQF, Skin On Portions 140 g & 160 g 1 x 60 pc